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Too much street furniture

Started by Number 6, December 18, 2013, 10:17:21 pm

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Number 6

Walking down Northbrook  Street today I had to dodge and weave around multiple obstructions in my path making for very erratic progress in order to avoid colliding with other shoppers. A new coffee shop in particular seems to have taken up a large slice of the pavement with outside seating (forcing pedestrians to walk in the traffic lanes at the unrestricted times) and compared to the uncluttered thoroughfares of the new Parkway Northbrook Street is looking more and more like an obstacle course. Bad enough that we have to suffer chuggers without these self inflicted impediments to progress. Time to engage brains and re-think in my opinion. What do others think ? 
Be seeing you ;-)


yes must agree with you regarding the new coffee shop point.


Overheard in a local public house:

"I dunno what the council are are playing at, there's a f****** roundabout in the middle of Northbrook Street!"


A very near miss witnessed ------ the other morning at about 0830 a gentleman 'driving' his mobility scooter north along Northbrook Street had to pull out into the road to pass the furniture ( and fixed bench) outside Prets as there was no room for him to get by.  A lorry had to brake hard to avoid a collision, he could not swing out as there were vehicles approaching from the north.  The gent on the mobility scooter was totally unaware of his narrow escape!!!!! It could be said the lorry was travelling in excess of 20mph too!!  This incident could easily have been a mum with kids en-route to school. Does Prets have planning for their outside furniture particularly if it is out before 10am?


They shouldn't be allowed to put these obstructions on the pavement before 10.00am.

Shouldn't be allowed at all, they are only there for crettins who can't drink a cup of coffee without half a dozen fags. It is very sad to see these miserable individuals shivering in the cold because they are not allowed to smoke inside.


Interesting. As I drove along Northbrook Street the other morning it occurred to me that there was barely any room left on the "pavement" to pass. As you say, an accident waiting to happen.

Number 6

It would seem a unique if rather unpleasant solution has been found to the pedestrian hazard outside the coffee shop with a long term drain/sewer overflow having remained unfixed for quite some time forcing pedestrians to cross rapidly to the other side of the street ! Does anyone know who would be responsible for fixing this problem and if and when they intend to do anything about it ? Hardly a great advert for the town and must be a great concern to the businesses at that spot. Great way of solving the smokers issue though. ;)
Be seeing you ;-)

Number 6

Passed by today and the foul water problem now seems to be fixed - hooray and well done to to whoever was involved. Sadly as one problem disappears the old one of the smokers has reappeared with two people puffing away so vigorously in the outside seating area of the coffee shop that I almost disappeared in a cloud of smoke as I passed by. Not quite sure how a food and drink outlet enhances it's brand image by allowing such pollution on its doorstep ? 
Be seeing you ;-)

Old Goat

Quite agree, pandering to this dirty habit is hardly a good advert for a good business!

Number 6

The proliferation of obstacles and hazards in Northbrook Street seems to continue apace with more and more outlets using A Frame advertising boards, placing them on the pavements so that pedestrians are forced to walk around them. Is there no oversight and regulation of these activities or are shop owners free to place them where they want ?  We will reach a state soon where there will be no room for shoppers and pedestrians as all available pavement space will have been taken up with street furniture. Next step will be that they all will want to copy the lurid sign-age of the new CO-OP in Pound Street which seems completely out of place and OTT. Maybe I am just turning into a Victor Meldrew alike. sigh ::)
Be seeing you ;-)

Number 6

Looks like the town council are belatedly and finally starting t catch up with what has been and issue for quite some time. Better late than never  I suppose. Lets hope they come to a well considered conclusion and course of action rather than draconian interventions that upset many and please just a few.
Be seeing you ;-)

Old Goat

There doesn't seem to have been much improvement; I suppose we shouldn't have expected anything! 

Traders do start to get snotty though if you dare move their precious A frames.  Perhaps a few accident claims might help improve manners.

Number 6

Yes despite lots (well some) huffing and puffing nothing appears to have been done. I know my old and disabled mother who needs a wheeled walking frame to walk finds the need to keep dodging these hazards a real nuisance and danger (she is prone to falls).  Having to weave through choke points where other able bodied people are rushing through is downright dangerous for older people. I am sure there are a lot of no win no fee personal injury lawyers who would be only too glad of the opportunity to ply their very suspect trade should disaster occur !  ;)
Be seeing you ;-)