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Got something to say? / Re: Future Prime Minister ?
Last post by Number 6 - June 17, 2020, 08:51:42 pm
Being prepared to put loyalty aside and stand up for the right thing. The attribute of leaders capable of moving things forward with a sure touch.

Got something to say? / Re: Future Prime Minister ?
Last post by Number 6 - June 06, 2020, 04:17:02 pm
Interesting comment here from Laura which I have no real disagreement with, but I do think it would be a much more effective message of a return to normalcy if the Government could have been seen to be on top of the crisis, rather than in a confused and faltering reaction mode where nothing ever goes to plan. I also note that the population are no longer taking the Government seriously and are now taking their own counsel on what they can and cannot do. This leaves large sections acting irresponsibly. Not a great success? Perhaps it needs Laura's leadership, abilities, insight and energies at the top now?

Got something to say? / Future Prime Minister ?
Last post by Number 6 - May 22, 2020, 01:26:24 pm
Leaders always need to show that they are made of the right stuff. With the first really lucid comment on the pandemic I have read from a politician is it possible we have a future Prime Minister in the making in Laura ?

Got something to say? / Re: Covid 19
Last post by Number 6 - May 18, 2020, 08:31:50 pm
Latest Government figures state that 10% of the population have so far been exposed to the virus. This means that 90% have yet to have any kind of antibody protection/immunity. Please be sensible in your actions and stay safe. There is a long way to go yet.
Got something to say? / Re: Covid 19
Last post by Number 6 - April 01, 2020, 02:27:36 pm
Excellent to see our local Food Bank charity continue to do such good work in these difficult times. As the situation escalates over the next few weeks and the financial hardship placed on families and individuals grows is it time that West Berkshire Council stepped in to help co-ordinate the list of those needing help as the numbers are set to increase dramatically ? With their staff still receiving wages I suspect they are best placed to do this work to help those newly destitute during the crisis period. The slow and hole filled machinations of the central Governments aid packages will not reach many in time but as a civilised society and community we cannot let people starve as a consequence. Time to step up and lead the good fight WBC ?

Got something to say? / Re: Covid 19
Last post by Number 6 - March 24, 2020, 09:27:48 pm
Good to see this initiative from West Berkshire Council. It may not seem much in the greater scheme of things but every little will help as the community battles against this unseen menace.

Got something to say? / Re: Covid 19
Last post by Number 6 - March 21, 2020, 08:58:44 pm
Having been out to get essentials today I am surprised by the lack of use of personal protective equipment by staff at the outlets visited. I hope this is not outlets putting profit before their staff and public safety ?
Got something to say? / Re: Covid 19
Last post by Number 6 - March 05, 2020, 05:52:49 pm
Interesting to see that our esteemed council think that such a rise will be understood by council tax payers when the costs of the Covid 19 emergency have not yet begun to work through on jobs, incomes and the community as a whole. I suspect that many who have just been managing to keep their heads above water will be severely challenged by this profligacy and continued featherbedding of the council establishment.

Got something to say? / Re: Covid 19
Last post by Number 6 - March 02, 2020, 04:16:45 pm
Surprised to see multiple shoppers randomly picking up and putting down grocery items in a food hall today with staff standing by and watching them do it. Perhaps we are doomed after all by our own stupidity.
Got something to say? / Covid 19
Last post by Number 6 - March 01, 2020, 06:50:26 pm
Good to hear that the council has a plan in place. Let's all hope that the situation is contained without the need for extreme measures until a vaccine can be developed for this very nasty virus. With common sense and self restraint we should be able to come through this without too much damage being done, although the financial implications put us into uncharted territory. Stay safe and best wishes to all.

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