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February 10, 2025, 08:28:33 am


SMF - Just Installed!

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Messages - Number 6

I did not make the switch on this year (kids to old and too many other things to do  :() but made it down to the Christmas market at about 7.30 pm and must say I found it all very enjoyable and attractive with a great atmosphere. With a choir singing and plenty of food and drink to be had, together with stalls selling various seasonal goods and presents, the whole thing was very well done indeed. Time will tell if it is an overall success but a good crowd on the night seemed to be spending money so hopefully it will be financially viable for the vendors as I can see this becoming quite an ongoing tradition if it can be maintained.The venue works well situated as it is next to the new shopping centre though not quite sure what the tenants of the expensive flats would make of an annual market ! Must find time to sample the bier - my ability to drink a stein in one go is long gone, these days I would just spill most of it down myself if I tried.Should fit right in with the rest  ;D
I think the lights are a great improvement over the tired old set that had long ago outlived their usefulness. The clocktower all dressed up especially adds to the appearance of Northbrook Street and hopefully the marketplace when switched on will complete the experience for our young people. Not a great fan of them being switched on so early but can understand the retailers wanting to get full value from their investment. Together with the Christmas Market Newbury is really making an effort this year. Way to go when times are tough.
Got something to say? / Re: Welcome back.
November 26, 2013, 12:19:56 am
I have watched major companies struggle to achieve such a revamp without spending countless man hours and major bucks doing what you have achieved in a very short time. Also your choice of solution looks good so far (time will tell) with a nice clean layout and intuitive format. Congratulations and well done.
Got something to say? / Welcome back.
November 24, 2013, 12:30:34 pm
Great to see the forum back.  :)