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Messages - Number 6

Got something to say? / Crafty Raft Race
May 06, 2014, 11:37:48 pm
Just wanted to say a big thank you to all involved in making the crafty raft race a very enjoyable day out , with plenty of sunshine to add to the occasion for a change ! I thought some of the music in the park particularly good to listen to (those old rock and roll riffs still hit the mark) and it was great to see so many smiling faces as people enjoyed all that was going on.  Lets hope the weather is as good next year.
Whilst I can understand the concerns about the loss of the rights of way I can clearly see some advantages this has created - no beggars and no chuggers, together with other groups of threatening loiterers, allowed to spoil the shopping environment and experience. Compared to Northbrook Streets untidy appearance Parkway is a superior environment altogether. Not sure that I agree with the no photography rule though, although I can understand why they would want to restrict and control commercial filming. Overall I continue to be very impressed with Parkway and on balance congratulate those involved on a job well done. We should always remember the unfortunate loss of life in the construction though.
Personally the Council Tax bill seems rather modest compared to the wealth denying forbearance that is the British Gas bill. I now live in dread of the quarterly thud on the door mat of this particular instrument of extortion. Sadly price comparison sites prove that their is little to be gained by shopping around as the whole market seems to be rigged in the form of a pricing merry go round.  Even as an energy market shareholder I believe it really is time the competition authorities sort this cartel-ised  market out.
As a tea drinker (who believes it must be made fresh with a kettle refilled with newly filtered water - I hate the taste of Chlorine - that is poured straight after coming to the boil) the whole coffee thing has passed me by. Certainly the personal economics of buying several drinks a day at the prices charged would be ruinous whereas I can enjoy several cups of self made tea for a very reasonable price overall. Each to their own however.
Passed by today and the foul water problem now seems to be fixed - hooray and well done to to whoever was involved. Sadly as one problem disappears the old one of the smokers has reappeared with two people puffing away so vigorously in the outside seating area of the coffee shop that I almost disappeared in a cloud of smoke as I passed by. Not quite sure how a food and drink outlet enhances it's brand image by allowing such pollution on its doorstep ? 
It would seem a unique if rather unpleasant solution has been found to the pedestrian hazard outside the coffee shop with a long term drain/sewer overflow having remained unfixed for quite some time forcing pedestrians to cross rapidly to the other side of the street ! Does anyone know who would be responsible for fixing this problem and if and when they intend to do anything about it ? Hardly a great advert for the town and must be a great concern to the businesses at that spot. Great way of solving the smokers issue though. ;)
Sadly the inclement weather shows no sign of ending and the community is now facing some serious flooding risk even in the major conurbations of West Berkshire. With many vulnerable people in retirement properties and families desperate to protect their homes we may be reaching a point in time when we need to rethink how we resource flood prevention and flooding countermeasures in the locality. All the good work on flood prevention schemes seem to already be inadequate in the face of this unprecedented weather pattern.  I hope the worst does not happen to all those at risk but suspect that without a rapid change in the weather we will as a community be put to the test as many are flooded in their homes.  :(
Got something to say? / Re: Banks and PPI
February 03, 2014, 09:03:19 pm
There are those who believe PPI compensation is a coalition inspired ruse to inject money into the economy to provide for economic growth surreptitiously. I couldn't possibly comment. ;)
Got something to say? / Re: Chaos on police roundabout
February 02, 2014, 09:43:09 pm
Having been caught in the queues several times this weekend on essential journeys it would seem that the whole traffic light regime on this stretch is now due a rethink as even moderate traffic levels seem to be causing congestion. Combine incorrect phasing with half asleep drivers failing to make good progress and gridlock seems inevitable. Makes you wonder who decides day to day what the phasing is and what qualifications they have for the role ?
As a person who habitually walks most places whenever possible it has become clear lately that there is a growing problem of dog mess fouling the footpaths of the town and surrounding streets. Not the fault of the dogs themselves, but of the irresponsible owners who fail to clear up after them, it would seem that we need wardens (if they exist) to start issuing penalty notices and fines to the anti-social miscreants responsible for their pets actions . If there are no wardens left perhaps the civil enforcement officers could take on the responsibility and help return our pavements from being animal toilets to their proper role ? Perhaps even better they could also photograph the offenders so they could be named and shamed so that the majority of responsible pet owners can be distanced from the antisocial minority. Together with a few stiff fines to help swell our local coffers we could also insist they take a pet ownership and responsibility course or perhaps a community service order requiring them to go around and clean up after others pets ? Whatever the solution shame on them for their appalling attitude to civic responsibility.
Got something to say? / Re: Maunder minimum
January 22, 2014, 10:42:02 pm
Ah yes,that was the chap. Seem to remember things could get quite vitriolic at times especially when confronted by what he took for lesser mortals who stuck to their guns and refused to be browbeaten.  None the less was one of the more entertaining and prolific posters who's knowledge and intellect made for some lively threads. Good to have a new poster join the few who so far dare to pontificate on here so a warm welcome only me. Now if we could just encourage a few more to join our ranks ?
Got something to say? / Maunder minimum
January 18, 2014, 11:58:32 am
I seem to remember that there used to be forum poster who some time back predicted that we could be heading for a mini ice age caused by a new maunder minimum event. Was much derided at the time over his postings on all kinds of topics but it may be that he was more switched on than he was given credit for. Drove a Maserati I seem to remember. Kudos.
Reading the local news re flooding and peoples desperate attempts to protect their properties this evening I had a Jeremy Clarkson moment and wondered if we could somehow mobilize the fit unemployed to assist in the flood prevention effort filling and deploying sandbags and other barriers ? Surely the opportunity to assist desperate families and individuals struggling to protect their hard earned property and possessions would gladden the hearts of those who would otherwise be idle - purely as a token of their thanks for the benefits they receive from the collective tax take ?    Sadly probably just one of my many idle musings that will never come to pass.  ;) ;D
Got something to say? / Re: New Year wishes.
January 01, 2014, 07:06:00 pm
Agreed.With so much unpleasantness in the world there is much to be said for residing in sleepy old Newbury and West Berkshire. It may make the forum topics a little pedestrian at times but a price well worth paying I think. A happy New Year to you all.
Got something to say? / Too much street furniture
December 18, 2013, 10:17:21 pm
Walking down Northbrook  Street today I had to dodge and weave around multiple obstructions in my path making for very erratic progress in order to avoid colliding with other shoppers. A new coffee shop in particular seems to have taken up a large slice of the pavement with outside seating (forcing pedestrians to walk in the traffic lanes at the unrestricted times) and compared to the uncluttered thoroughfares of the new Parkway Northbrook Street is looking more and more like an obstacle course. Bad enough that we have to suffer chuggers without these self inflicted impediments to progress. Time to engage brains and re-think in my opinion. What do others think ?